Lake Tahoe West Story Map
Lake Tahoe West partners have released an interactive “story map” to explain ongoing and proposed actions to restore forests and watersheds across 59,000 acres of Lake Tahoe’s west shore.
Community members and visitors can use the story map to learn more about the threats to the west shore landscape, and how science is informing a landscape-scale restoration approach to addressing those threats. Through the Lake Tahoe West Restoration Partnership, land management agencies, local partners, and other stakeholders are working together to increase resilience to high-severity wildfire, drought, climate change, and insect and disease outbreaks.
Multiple restoration efforts are already underway. The story map highlights current projects on the west shore to reduce fire hazards near communities, restore meadows, and create healthier, more resilient forests.

The Lake Tahoe West story map highlights ongoing and proposed actions to restore forests and watersheds on the west shore.
Lake Tahoe West partners are also moving through the environmental review process for a proposed project to restore even more of the west shore. The Lake Tahoe West Restoration Project will reduce wildfire risks to communities, improve forest health, protect and enhance habitat for native plants and animals, and protect Lake Tahoe’s famed clarity. Together, these actions will help restore the resilience of west shore forests, watersheds, and communities.
The Lake Tahoe West Restoration Partnership is a collaborative, multiple-stakeholder effort led by the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, California Tahoe Conservancy, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, California State Parks, Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team, and National Forest Foundation. Stakeholders and partners represent tribes, conservation groups, fire protection agencies, the recreation community, homeowners and businesses, scientists, local government, and others who care about Lake Tahoe’s west shore. For more information on the Lake Tahoe West Restoration Partnership, visit