Tahoe Blue Crew is an expansion of a typical adopt-a-beach program. Individuals or groups adopt a litter hot spot including beaches, trails, and neighborhoods around the Tahoe Basin. Since the program launched in September 2019, 51 active crews have conducted 254 cleanups and removed over 2,000 pounds including over 20,000 individual plastic items. The plastics removed include 1,782 plastic bottles, 845 straws and stirrers and 416 plastic utensils. Crews have prevented almost 12,000 cigarette butts from polluting our Lake.

Crew leaders come from all over with 33 crew leaders living inside of the Basin and 18 live in the surrounding areas and take care of their adopted zone when they visit Tahoe and the group is steadily growing. These crews are passionate about protecting Lake Tahoe and have noticed their individual actions make a difference.

“On our second cleanup, we noticed significantly less trash,” said Joe Walton, general manager of McP’s and blue crew leader. “It’s really great to see the lasting impact our efforts have.” 

Learn how you can get involved, become a Tahoe Blue Crew leader and virtual training dates here.