Sierra Speaker Series: Fibs, Fakes, Falsehoods – Mistaken Tahoe with David Antonucci

Tahoe Donner - Truckee, CA

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5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
March 16th, 2019
Donner Memorial State Park Visitor Center


Complimentary refreshments will be served, with beverages available for purchase. A $5 donation is suggested for this free program. Parking is free after 5pm.

Join presenter David C. Antonucci, author, and professional speaker, as he explores some of the so-called facts about Lake Tahoe.  Many of the “facts” about Lake Tahoe that appear in print and on the Internet are inaccurate. They arise from ignorance, word-of-mouth, myth and over-exuberant exaggeration.  Was Kit Carson there when Tahoe was discovered? Does Tahoe mean big water, high water or grasshopper soup?  Did Mark Twain camp near Glenbrook or is this the result of wild storytelling and faulty historical research?  Is there a secret connection between Lake Tahoe and the mines in Virginia City? Do bodies actually remain in a suspended state deep in the lake? Find out the answers to these and other long-held fictions.

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