The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is widely regarded as the largest and oldest citizen science project in the world.
Each year, from 14 December through 5 January, tens of thousands of volunteers head out into the winter to count birds for a day. This tradition goes back to 1900, and in the intervening years, these birders have built a database on bird populations that is unmatched by any other wildlife census. TINS Co-founder Will Richardson has coordinated the South Lake Tahoe CBC since 2004.
The 2019-2020 South Lake Tahoe CBC has been scheduled for Sunday, 15 December. Barring a significant winter storm, we will hold the count on that date. We will meet at Alpina Coffee Cafe at 8:00 am.
We will bird at Cove East as a group and then split into groups to bird at other areas. A pizza party, complementary of TINS will conclude the day.