Science Distilled: Lake Tahoe, a global success story

Reno, NV

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7:00 pm
May 23rd, 2018
Patagonia Outlet Reno - 130 S. Center Street

How collaboration, citizen science and community participation in conservation has kept Tahoe blue.

Science Distilled, a new lecture series in Reno created by DRI and The Discovery, makes cutting-edge science approachable through presentations on current and curious topics held at hip locations in a social atmosphere. Tickets are available at

We are all proud of our bright blue, watery gem that splashes at 6,225 feet above sea level. It is easy to soak in the vistas of Lake Tahoe while forgetting the labors of love that went into sustaining the health of its waters from threats like stormwater pollution and aquatic invasive species. At this Science Distilled event, you’ll hear from scientists and community organizers on the front lines of maintaining the quality of the water at Lake Tahoe.

Lake Tahoe’s global successes in environmental research and conservation have only been possible due to collaborations between non-profit organizations, community members, and scientists. Speakers will highlight seminal partnerships between scientists and the community, the ecological history of the lake, and key policies and education programs that have made these successes possible.

Renowned leaders in research and engagement – Darcie Collins, PhD from Keep Tahoe Blue (League to Save Lake Tahoe); Alan Heyvaert, PhD from DRI; and Sudeep Chandra, PhD from UNR – will share their experiences in citizen science, community engagement, and stewardship. Join us and learn how you can also get involved in exciting citizen science projects and more.

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